
Constantin Volosencu

Constantin Volosencu

"Politehnica" University of Timisoara

Domain of Research: Computational Intelligence

Constantin Volosencu is a professor (full) “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics. He is a doctor in control systems of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara and engineer in automation and computers at “Traian Vuia” Politechnic Institute, Timisoara, Romania. Constantin Volosencu has researches in the field of linear control systems, fuzzy control, neural networks, control of electrical drives, system identification, sensor networks and distributed parameter systems. He is author of 10 books, over 130 scientific papers published in journals and conference proceedings and 27 patents and manager of over 30 research projects. Constantin Volosencu is member of editorial review boards of international scientific journals, former member, chair and plenary speaker of scientific committee of international conferences. He had technical activity in the field of electric drives, power ultrasonics, machine tools, spooling machines with homologation of 30 prototypes and series zero.